Coupon exchange
Coupon exchange allows you to attract customers from other businesses with the help of coupons issued by yourself, and earn money by distributing coupons from other businesses to your customers.
Your business can issue coupons in the Control Panel and indicate when coupons are issued and which of them must be shown in the coupon exchange.
To encourage other businesses to distribute your coupons, you can set the amount of reward that you are willing to pay for every customer who comes to your business with a common coupon. Note that you do not pay anything until the customer uses the coupon in your business.
You can do this in the Coupons section by checking the box “I want to publish a coupon on exchange” and note what price you want to set.

Your business can get additional benefits by distributing coupons to other businesses. This happens in two ways. The first way – the business whose coupons you are giving out will pay you a fee when the customer comes to the business and uses the coupon. Second – your customers will be more interested in buying goods and services from you, knowing that for this they will receive additional benefits in the form of a coupon.
You can find coupons for other businesses in the Coupon Exchange tab in the Control Panel.
To learn how to use the coupon exchange to the maximum benefit, check out this article