The Customer Account and the mobile app
inCust mobile app for customers is not only a digital card to identify the customer, but also is a communication hub of the companies that have already implemented inCust with customers. The app contains a mobile directory of companies and businesses; it gives customer an opportunity to ‘talk’ to the brand by writing text message and provides news about their favorite companies. Another important detail is a user wallet with information on accumulated bonus points and gifts in each business.

For fast download of inCust app go to:
For owners of smart watches there is also a special offer. After installing inCust app to your smartphone a digital card with the QR-code will appear automatically on the smart watch and allow crediting bonus points in stores just in a single hand movement. For business process of crediting is in same way as with digital card from mobile app.

Even if customer doesn’t have a mobile app, all users of the loyalty program have access to a personal customer account on the site In customer account you can see the crediting for various loyalty programs, set up communication, read the rules of the loyalty program and download the customer card on different devices. To view the customer account go to: