Loyalty programs: Additional settings


Status of new customer in loyalty programThere are different rules of processing which depend on the status of the new customer.

  • The “Full access: crediting and redemption of bonus points” status means that the customer is granted full access to all benefits provided by the loyalty program. The customer is automatically credited with bonus points, which can be used with no restrictions.
  • The “Limited access: only crediting of bonus points” status – the customer is automatically credited with bonus points, but these can not be used until their status is changed to “Full access: crediting and redemption of bonus points”.
  • The “No access: awaiting processing of personal data. Crediting and redemption of bonus points are forbidden” status – the customer is not credited with bonus points until their status is changed to “Full access: crediting and redemption of bonus points” or “Limited access: only crediting of bonus points”.

Do you want to display customer profile in inCust Terminal?This option opens the customer profile in inCust Terminal during each sales operation. In a manual (not automatic) mode a salesperson has possibility to access the personal data of a customer by opening their profile in inCust Terminal.

  • “Do not display” mode shows customer profile only if it is opened manually by a salesperson.
  • “Display only for new customers” mode shows the customer profile automatically during the first sales operation.
  • “Display for all customers” mode shows the customer profile automatically during each sales operation for each customer.


Message signature – You can configure a signature for messages, this signature will be added at the end of each message. Configure signatures in different languages, as system messages can be sent in different languages, depending on the language of the customer. Please note that this signature affects the number of characters in each individual SMS and, accordingly, the cost of SMS.


With SMART notification, push notification to a customer’s smartphone is delivered first. If delivery fails, then SMS message is sent. System PUSH notifications are free (PUSH notifications will be delivered to the customer provided that he has the inCust mobile application installed ).

Important: Please note, if you want to use Viber to send messages, contact your manager for details on connecting the Viber channel for your account.

About activation of special bonus points – If you use promotional bonus points that are activated some time after the purchase, you can set up a notification to the customer that the bonus points are activated.

About expiration of special bonus points – If you use promotional bonus points that have a certain validity period, you can set up a customer’s notification that the bonus points will “burn out” soon. You can choose the notification method, for how many days before the expiration of the promotional  period, a notification must come, the time when the notification will be sent, and the corresponding time zone. Please note that if you use several loyalty programs, a notification will be sent from each loyalty program to each customer, even if he bought only in one of them. This is due to the fact that all bonus points in the account are common and are valid in all loyalty programs.

About transactions – This option determines whether the customer will be sent and, if so, in what way, a notification to the customer about changes in the bonus account after the purchase. This option also determines whether notifications will be sent and in what way when “manually” accruing bonus points.

You can also set the amount of the sale operation, until which a notification will be sent to the customer.



Round bonus points when creditingIf enabled, only the integer number of bonus points will be credited. For example, there will be 153 bonus points credited instead of 153.24.


Limit of redemption of bonus points without SMS confirmationYou can set the maximum amount up to which we “believe” customers. Up to this amount, bonus points can be redeemed without confirmation of the code from SMS.

ATTENTION. If you set the number higher than 0, this could potentially lead to the redemption of bonus points of another customer by mistake or intentionally. Be careful with this option. Use it when you have an extra customer identification by your POS, or a cost of a possible loss is not very high, or a customer is asked a security question.

Payment by bonus points – This option controls whether it is possible to pay a check with bonus points in part or only in full. The customer can pay the check partially with bonus points, partially with money; partial payment with rounding to the whole is possible; or you can set up only full payment of the check with bonus points.

Payment with bonus points no more than – If you set up partial payment with bonus points, you can limit the percentage of the check that can be paid with bonus points (for example, up to 50% of the check amount can be paid with bonus points).

Use PIN when applying bonus points and using plastic or paper loyalty card – If you use plastic or cardboard cards, you can adjust whether the customer needs to be verified using SMS and a one-time PIN or the customer identifies himself with a card.


The limit of redemption discount without an SMS confirmationYou can enter the maximum discount amount to which the PIN will not be sent. Please note that if you put 0, a PIN for confirmation will be sent in each transaction.


Do you want to send birthday greetings to your customers? You can customize your birthday greetings. You can configure how the message with congratulations will be sent, at what time, in what time zone and how many days before the birthday. Enter the text of the congratulation in several languages ​​and choose whether to give something for the birthday of the customers. If you give bonus points for birthday, select the Terminal through which the crediting transaction will be conducted. You can Create new Terminal or use any existing one, this only affects transaction reporting.


How to notify about reward for referralIf you use the recommendation program, here you can configure how to report about crediting the revard to the customer.