Financial aid for beneficiaries: schemes and mechanics

Nowadays, many companies are providing financial and non-financial aid to people. Volunteer and donor organizations, charity foundations are actively raising funds and endeavor to help as many people as possible. We have been supporting the French international solidarity organization TGH for several years, and now we’d like to share with you a solution that will automate and speed up this process.

Using the inCust platform, you can build a transparent process for giving non-financial aid, communications, and generating detailed project reports. Transparent reporting system at every level: in real time you see all spendings of specific beneficiaries as accurately and honestly as possible. The system features very fast launch and easy settlements.

We will tell you about several mechanics that you can start using right now. You can see them in our video.

Write to us, and we will give you the necessary tools, as well as help you launch the distribution of aid to beneficiaries free of charge.

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