Earn with inCust
Whenever you want to benefit from representing inCust services in your region, or have partners or clients that could benefit from running a loyalty program and improving customer interactions, or develop custom software systems for vertical markets, or just use inCust services and want to recommend them to a friend – we have an offer for you.
Our partner program has several variants:
- The Referral program is for you, if you already use inCust services to manage customer lifcycle, and want to earn on recommending inCust to your friends and partners. In this program, you get bonus points for each client that comes to inCust based on your recommendation. The gained bonus points can be used as partial payment for inCust services that you use.
- If you are a marketing consultant or represent a marketing agency, you will benefit from the Reseller program, which is a revenue share program. The reseller receives a share of the payments, made by the business, which the reseller has driven to inCust.
- White-labeled reseller program offers the platform as a software which you can run to provide services similar to inCust. If you work on a vertical market with lots of partners, which could benefit from customer lifecycle management, you can give them the service branded with your trademark and let inCust provide technical support and maintenance.
- If you are a software vendor or systems integrator, Technological partnership program lets you embed inCust technologies into custom solutions that you create. Examples of such solutions include custom Point-of-Sale systems, integrated hardware solutions for vertical markets, integrated solutions for large retailer chains, solutions for benefit distribution funds (charity funds, government agencies etc.) and other software systems, where money-less distribution and transfer of value is needed.
Our interest is to expand our services to new regions, so if you are ready to help us explore new markets and give your clients a handy tool to boost their businesses and make their customers happier, we are willing to help you with your noble task and reward you with a significant share of the revenue.
For all details, please, contact the general management at management@incust.com, call us at (+1) 804.404.9539, or use the contact form.